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Our Partnership with DNC Lifestyle

by AJ Mennuti 03 Feb 2021
Our Partnership with DNC Lifestyle

110% Nutrition is excited to announce that we have partnered up with an incredible company that offers top tier fitness and lifestyle coaching... DNC Lifestyle! We will be working closely together to help provide our customers with the most efficient and effective methods to meet their fitness goals. This strong partnership will give our customers all the tools they need to successfully transform their lives to become a healthier and happier version of themselves. Most importantly, we are able to accomplish this goal without putting you through a dangerous, miserable, and restrictive fitness/nutrition program. Visit their website ( to sign up for one of their life changing programs and start your fitness journey today. Also, if you are reading this blog post, you get a special discount just for being referred from our site!

For 15% off all our DNC Coaching plans use Code: DNC15

Now to give a little background about DNC lifestyle: 

Hello, my name is Dallitza and I am the founder of DNC Lifestyle, along with my two younger brothers Nicolas and Christian. DNC Lifestyle is a brand that was created to provide everyone with a balance of a fit and fulfilled life. We want to offer everyone with an insight on a fitness journey with unlimited potential to learn and grow. My two younger brothers and I grew up sharing the same passion and love for fitness. We each experienced the fitness industry in different ways; from landing the cover of Muscle & Fitness HERS, to a bikini competitor in bodybuilding competitions, a star basketball and track varsity player and to the disciplined and dedicated who didn’t stop until their goals were met. We knew after years of learning from our experiences through different endeavors that we wanted to share our knowledge with the world. We wanted to teach our clients that being healthy didn’t mean being restricted from the foods and experiences that bring us joy. It meant learning the importance of understanding our bodies and the power of consistency and balance. My brothers and I have taken everything that we have learned to help change lives around the world and to give our clients the knowledge necessary to crush their fitness goals. Our goal is to focus on long term, sustainable and positive lifestyle changes.


We understand the struggles and frustration of really strict diets and giving up the things we enjoy most, which is why we strive to bring you an experience like no other. To provide you with a balanced, hearty and tailored plan that is made just for you. Our clients are family to us, and we love building healthy and positive relationships with each of them. We want to push you to discover your capabilities and to become the best version of yourself. Health for us isn’t just about the weight you lose, but rather the life you gain! Become a part of our #DNCfamily and let us help you crush your fitness goals.

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